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Quote Sheet: Oakland Raiders 33 Indianapolis Colts 25


Tight End Clive Walford

Raiders Head Coach Jack Del Rio

Opening Statement:"OK, nice to get win No. 12. Good victory for the team. Unfortunately, came with a setback with our quarterback. Derek [Carr] had a break of his fibula and will require surgery. Going to try to get it done tomorrow. He'll be out indefinitely. Once he's healed and ready to go, we'll go, but until then he'll be healing. It was a good win, but a tough setback to have our quarterback go down like that. Unfortunate. I figured that would be the bulk of the questions you'll want to ask, so I'll just open it up."

Q: Will Connor Cook be the backup?

Coach Del Rio:"Cook will be the backup. Correct."

Q: How does the team feel?

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah, it obviously is a blow. That's what teams do. Teams have to find a way to pick up and move on. We'll rally around the next guy as best we can. That's what you do. It'll be incumbent on the offensive line and the backs to do more. The defense to do more. The special teams to do more. As a team, pick it up and do more to fill in. Obviously, that's a big setback."

Q: What do you mean when you say indefinitely?

Coach Del Rio:"Well… we're not going to worry about next week. He's not going to play next week."

Q: Does that mean he might play at some point in the playoffs?

Coach Del Rio:"That just means I can't tell you that right now. I don't know right now. Everybody heals differently. We'll see exactly what needs to be done when they get in there and do it. That's really all I have to give you right now is it won't be a situations where you're trying to get me to say something in a week. 'Is he going to play? Is he going to play?' I think he's going to be done a little while."

Q: Could you tell immediately how serious it was?

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah, as soon as I got out there he said, 'I think it's broke.' I think most athletes have a pretty good idea when something's going on with their body. I think he felt right away."

Q: It looks like he spun around on it.

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah, I think he twisted it around and it gave way."

Q: Do you have to say whether it was a clean break or not?

Coach Del Rio:"I don't. I don't."

Q: Where is he now?

Coach Del Rio:"He was coming out of the X-Ray room when I saw him."

Q: How are his spirits?

Coach Del Rio:"I'm sure he's sad, but he knows we have a lot of love for him. He'll heal and be ready to rejoin us at some point. Until then, we'll just love him up and encourage him to stay strong."

Q: How much of a challenge will this be for you?

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah, I think we'll get into all of that as we get ready for Denver next week. We'll carry on like you always do. It's just obviously more involved when it's your quarterback. Just like you do at any position, you carry on as a football team and you put the next guy in. I'm not trying to dismiss anything by any means. It's obviously huge thing to have to deal with, but that's what we do. As a team that's what we do."

Q: How did the mood on the sideline change?

Coach Del Rio:"I think we all felt it. I think the stadium felt it. It went from really, really good to kind of a got the wind knocked out of you feel."

Q: Will the performance from the running game today be something you'll need to see going forward?

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah. I thought we ran it very well today. The line did a good job of moving people and the backs hit it hard. DeAndré [Washington] got his first score and then he got another. I think he was right at the century mark. Just under it maybe. It was a good performance running the ball."

**Raiders QB Matt McGloin


Q: Obviously this is a tough situation. What were your emotions like as you entered the game?

McGloin:"Just tried to stay as calm as I can. You know we have a great group of guys on the offensive staff, on the offensive line, running backs, wide receivers and tight ends. They all just did a great job of embracing me when I entered the game and they helped me stay calm. We have each other's back and we just tried to finish the game."

Q: How do you feel now that this is your job to take over and start the games?

McGloin:"I'm ready to go. I feel great and it has been great working with Derek Carr the past few years and working together and seeing what he has done on the field trying to learn from that. I'm ready to go. I know this team, these guys around me, this staff, this organization will do a great job of helping me out and embracing me. Just making sure we continue to move in the right direction."

Q: Have you had a chance to talk to Derek [Carr]?

McGloin:"I just saw him briefly. He knows I have his back and he knows everybody else in this locker room has his back."

Q: There had to be so many emotions going through your head seeing him go down there like that?

McGloin: "It is a difficult situation. First and foremost, he is a very good friend of mine and it is tough to see him go down and get hurt. He has been having such an incredible season and to see him go down like that was tough. At the same time, I got to try my best to stay calm, stay poise, stay focused and do my job."

Q: Are you up for the challenge?


Q: What did you see there on that third down pass to Amari Cooper that sealed the game for the team?

McGloin:"In a situation like that, you want to get the first down. You're going for the first down. We don't want to exactly play it safe. We wanted to get the first down and take a knee to end the game right there. Obviously not having a ton of opportunities to play with Amari Cooper and that first unit, but I know the types of routes he runs, and can trust him in big time situations. The offensive line did a tremendous job of protection and Amari [Cooper] went up and made a terrific catch."

Q: How does this change your routine?

McGloin:"It really doesn't. You are still practicing, coming in early and leaving late. I always prepare as if I am a starter and now I am going to continue and do the same thing. Keep my regimen the same, stay focused, stay ready and try to play to the best of my ability."

Q: How do you guys keep your morale up?

McGloin:"This is a great group of guys. They are focused. They are focused on winning and continuing to improve and try to do great things. These guys are going to stay focused and I think tonight was an example of that. They kept focused on the goal to win, and we went out there and stayed poised and calm. That is going to be our mindset moving forward and just go in and play as hard as we can."

Q: How close are you and Derek [Carr]?

McGloin:"He is one of my very good friends. You've been with somebody for three years and he has been the starter, I've been the backup and it was tough to see him go down. He is a good friend, but I told him I have his back and will play as hard as I can for him."

**Raiders WR Amari Cooper


Q: What did you see when you kneeled down next to Derek Carr?

Cooper:"I just saw that he was hurt, man. He was kind of upset about it. Who wouldn't be? I'm praying for him and hopefully he has a speedy recovery."

Q: What's it like knowing you guys are going to have to rally without the guy who has been your leader?

Cooper:"It's hurts, but that's what this game is about. You risk getting hurt every time you step on this field. You never know what to expect. Like I said, I'm praying for him and hopefully we can go out there playing and play hard for him."

Q: What do you think about Matt McGloin?

Cooper:"He's a great quarterback. I really like him. I'm excited to see what he's going to do. I'm excited to see how he prepares. Just excited to go out there and be able to work whatever to help him come back and play in games."

Q: What's something you see from McGloin in practice?

Cooper:"The biggest thing about him that sticks out is just, he's a competitor. He wants to win. He prepares as if he wants to win. Those are the things I like about him."

Q: What was it like when Carr went down?

Cooper:"Obviously, you don't want your leader of the offense to go down because he's our leader. It was just a really sad moment. I'm praying for him. It was just sad."

Raiders RB Latavius Murray

Q: How has it been having Jalen Richard and DeAndré Washington on the team?

Muray:"It's been great. DeAndré, I'm extremely happy for him, finding the end zone not once but twice for the first time ever. Very happy for him. I know we've been running the ball well all year. I think it's been a testimate to everyone in the group. I've said that plenty of times. There's no me without those two guys. They played big today."

Q: How devastating is the news about Derek Carr?

Muray:"I feel terrible for him. Before a teammate, he's my friend, my best friend. I feel terrible for him outside from football. I know he's strong-minded and he'll bounce back. That's just the kind of guy he is, but again, I feel terrible for him. We just need to continue to work, continue to go out there and do what we need to do so we can be successful in the postseason. That's been our goal this whole time. That doesn't change despite the fact that Derek is going to be out for a few weeks."

Q: How do you keep it from being overwhelming?

Muray:"We're a team. Obviously, we have to continue to work and work towards our goals.

**RAIDERS RB DeAndré Washington


Q: You look like you had a lot of energy stored up.

Washington:"My mentality was, even when I wasn't active, keep preparing like I'm playing. You never know when your number is going to get called. When it gets called you need to be ready. That was my biggest deal, that's what I was trying to do."

Q: Did the veterans pull you aside and say 'hey, keep it up, we're going to need you'?

Washington:"A couple of guys talked to me. I was a little down. They told me it's a long season. It's like I said, you never know when you're going to be needed. Today we were all needed as a group. I'm glad we had good success running the ball."

Q: It scrapped the energy when [Derek] Carr went down. The whole thing changed. You guys were having a great day then things came up sour.

Washington:"Yeah, that's our guy so that's definitely going to be a mood changer. We understand that we've come too far to look back now. We're playing for the best. We understand that everyone needs to step up their game a little more."

Q: The running game you will really need maybe now more than ever.

Washington:"Yeah, the running game, passing game, blocking, everybody has to step up their game. It's playoff time. Regardless of who got hurt you want everyone to step up their game to another level."

Q: How did it feel to get loose like that out there, get your first touchdown?

Washington:"It felt good to finally break the seal and get in the end zone. Hopefully it's the first of many."

Q: That second one you took off like a shot.

Washington:"It was a great block by Andre [Holmes]. He sprung me. The safety came down hard and he cracked him in. It was a wide open field then. It was a great block."

Q: Do you think the way you ran the ball today bodes well with a back-up quarterback coming in with you guys needing to protect him with some running?

Washington:"I think any time you can run the ball it helps whoever is at quarterback. We definitely understand that we need to run going forward, but not only run we need to execute our offense and play better on special teams. Keep the momentum on defense."

Q: Why are those gun runs so effective? You guys were just gashing them off that.

Washington:"Ask those guys over there. The O-line made our lives easy. We saw some things on film that we liked and we were able to execute it today."

Q: How about for you today having a breakout game?

Washington: "I felt good. It came with the preparation. Those few weeks I was out I was hungry to get back out there and attacked it as if I was playing."

Q: 99 yards, you left one out there?

Washington:"I left one out there. I'll take it. We got the win."

Q: When you break one open like that, see daylight and the goal line, do your eyes get like saucers?

Washington:"Yeah your mouth gets watery. To be able to in there twice after not being able to get in there all season is probable the best Christmas gift I got in a while."

Q: How about that back-to-back 22-yard touchdown runs?

Washington: "Like I said, the o-line made my job easier on the second one. Andre did a hell of a job on the block, I was untouched because he did a good job on the safety so kudos to those guys.

Q: Where you in on the play when Carr was hurt?

Washington: "No, I wasn't."

Q: From your vantage point break down what you saw.

Washington:"It was a strange play. His foot got stuck in the ground. I don't know what happened to him but I'm definitely [praying for him."

Q: What was the emotion like after that happened on the sideline?

Washington: "It's tough man. Whenever you're MVP goes down it's a tough feeling. Guys understand we need to rally together. Whatever the diagnosis may be, we need to rally together. Matt [McGloin] is capable of leading us all the way to accomplish our goals."

RAIDERS C Rodney Hudson

Q: What was your thought when you turned around and saw Derek [Carr] on the ground?

Rodney Hudson:"It happened so fast. I can't even put into words. It happened so fast. We just have to be here to support Derek."

Q: Rodney, it just happened so fast and it felt like a punch in the gut. Have you ever seen a team this 'umph' after a win? How do you prevent it from becoming overwhelming?

Hudson:"We're going to support Derek first, make sure he's mentally right then we're going to come to work. That's what we need to do."

Q: I know you were talking about the backs, to have all three backs contribute like they have all year, how important has it been for your offense?

Hudson:"It's important that those guys run hard. Everybody contributed and everybody continued to block well and perform well."

Q: Was there a point with the two rookies Jalen [Richard] and DeAndré [Washington] where you stopped being surprised with what they're doing out there?

Hudson:"They can play. I've seen it every day in practice and throughout camp. They've continued to get better. They work hard. They're young guys but they get it, they work hard. They focus in, attention to detail. That's what you ask from everybody, to get that effort, to try to do everything right."

Q: I know you're not in the game planning but do you think this makes you more of a running team?

Hudson:"I don't know. I'm not going to look that far ahead. We ran well, but we're not going to look that far ahead. Whatever the coaches call, we're going to execute. No matter what's going on, we have to execute."

Q: Rodney this has been such a confiden3t team all year. Can you maintain that confidence with your starting quarterback down?

Hudson:"We will. It's tough right now. Everybody is going to be down right now, but the important thing is for everyone to be there for Derek [Carr]."

**Raiders LB Bruce Irvin


Q: How tough of a win was this after losing Derek [Carr]?

Irvin:"It is hard. We lost our leader. We are very confident in Matt McGloin. We are very confident in his abilities. Just guys got to step up. Me and Khalil Mack need to step up. The defense can't carry just the defense, but we got to help the offense better now. We are ready and prepared. We wish Derek [Carr] the best, but you know, that is the game. Got to move forward and wish him nothing but the best. It hurts, but we got to keep fighting for him."

Q: Was this like a gut punch because it seemed like everything was clicking?

Irvin:"Football. Injuries are something tough to prevent. 99 percent chance you going to get injured in this game. It is an unfortunate situation but we got to continue to keep fighting as DC [Derek Carr] would want us to do. That is what we are going to do."

Q: What was the emotion like on the sideline right after the injury?

Irvin: "Just like we lost. I mean we lost our best friend, our leader. He is the leader of this team, both him and Khalil Mack. Just seeing him go down like that, it hurt us. It didn't really feel like we won, but we got to continue to keep fighting. He won't want to see us get down and worry about him. He wants us to keep fighting and that is what we got to do. We have confidence on this team that we can keep this thing rolling."


Q: How does this team have to respond with Derek [Carr] out?

Penn: "We need to step up, next man up. IT's sad. I'm very disappointed in myself because it's my guy that got him. I've been great all year, I don't know how. I was engaged with my guy, I took another step and my foot slipped out from under me. I wish I had that play back. I've been great all year, I slip up on one play. I'm mad at myself. I'll be good tomorrow but I'm mad at myself. I wish there was something else I could do. I've never had a quarterback get hurt in my career. I'm upset right now."

Q: What did you tell him as he was carted off?

Penn:"What'd he tell me, he told me 'I'm going to be good'. He said 'I got your back. I love you all'. That's how we are, we're a family. He told me. I didn't get a chance to say something to me because he was talking to me when I got over there."

Q: How does this impact and change what this team is going to do going forward?

Penn:"Nothing. I'm not going to sit here and let you guys build a story around this. It is a story but we're going to try to next man up. Matt [McGloin] has been great for us. Every time he's come in while I've been here he's been great. We have a lot of faith in Matt.  Everybody else has to step it up now. We're going to be fine. I believe in Matt, that's why he's our backup quarterback. Matt came in and made some great passes, did some great plays. It's definitely going to be hard. The MVP of the team, the MVP of the league is hurt right now. That's a big spot to fill but we have to do it. Hopefully Kansas City loses tomorrow so we get a little more rest. We have to do this. Next man up. It's not going to stop us. We need to find a way to keep this thing going because it's going good."

Q: What does it say about the character in this room that you're going to overcome this? Penn:"That's the name of the league. That's how I got my start. Second year in the league the left tackle went down. I haven't missed a game since. That's how the mentality goes, that's how this league has evolved. The good thing is we have a great backup quarterback. I have a lot of faith in Matt [McGloin]. Good thing is Matt is going to come in and step up. We're going to rally behind him. I'm going to step my game up, [Kelechi Osemele] is going to step his game up, Rodney [Hudson] is going to step his game up. Everybody has toe elevate their game up more because we are missing our MVP."

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