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Raiders at Patriots Postgame Quotes



On the game: "Tough loss. Tough pill to swallow. I thought our guys fought their tails off, gave ourselves an opportunity to win. I thought we tied the football game or at least got within an extra point of being able to tie the football game there at the end of the game. Disappointed about that. Still we have to be able to…at the moment of truth, there's time where we have to be able to make some plays and we didn't do that enough today and came up on the short end of the stick. But I thought it was a better effort by our team and we get on a long flight and head to London and get ready for the next one."

On if he thought Gabe Jackson's holding penalty was a penalty: "I did not."

On if he watched the play again: "I saw it up on the big screen. My opinion is – it was not a hold."

On if this loss stings more: "Yeah because I thought we really gave ourselves an opportunity to win against a good football team and I know what the guys put into this. I know that's the type of effort that with that type of effort, you put a lot into it and it hurts when we don't come away with it. But that's the type of effort, like I told the guys in there, that's the type of effort we have to have every week. That's the type of intensity, that type of effort, that type of focus, that type of concentration; we've proven we can do it. Now we just have to be consistent in doing that every week."

On the linebacker injuries: "I thought the defense held up pretty good. We had some injuries and we had some injuries in the game. Rod Streater hurt his foot, but defensively, Tyvon Branch hurt his foot too. That cost us a little bit later in the game, took us out of some things we wanted to be able to do later in the game that we weren't able to get to because of the injury situation. It's something we'll have to look as we move forward and see where we're at."

On winning one-on-one match-ups: "I thought we did a nice job of getting some pressure on the quarterback. I thought we won a few one-on-one match-ups. Obviously, they won their fair share of match-ups too. [Shane] Vereen was a tough match-up for us coming out of the backfield and converted some third downs for us, but I thought overall it was a better effort on our part, but we still have some work to do."

On the better effort: "I don't know, maybe it gets down to guys understanding where we're at and that we've got to do something to get things turned around. I think it was just a conscious decision that when we walk off the field, we want to be able to look each other in the eye and know we gave it everything we've got. I think our guys can do that today."

On where the team is: "Well, we're 0-3."

On inability to connect with receivers: "We have to be able to make those plays. That's the unfortunate thing that this game of football comes down to those things. When you get those opportunities, we have to be able to connect; we have to be able to make those plays. If we do that, then we'll have success."

On defensive success in the red zone: "It was big. We talked about that to beat this football team, you were going to have to make them kick field goals when you got in the red zone and we needed to score touchdowns. Obviously, defensively, for the most part, we were able to do that and make them kick field goals. Offensively, we struggled to get touchdowns, but that's where this game, it's a game of inches. If they don't get that touchdown, you make them kick a field goal, you're talking about a different football game. That's the standard that we've got to operate at."

On ability to stop Ridley in the 2nd half: "Obviously, I'll look at the tape and see exactly what happened. I know as the half wore on, I thought they did a good job of pushing the tempo and got us a little bit out of rhythm defensively at the end of the first half. And then we kind of came back, regrouped, got the 3-and-out to start the 2nd half and I thought overall played pretty well."

On Derek Carr: "I thought Derek was solid. I thought he was solid. I didn't think we did anything offensively spectacular, but I thought, especially early in the game, I thought we were able to control the clock a little bit. We were able to move the ball, but again, it comes down to some moment of truth plays and be able to keep drives alive and being able to get touchdowns instead of having to settle for field goals when you get down there in scoring territory."

On if it was a breakthrough game for Khalil Mack: "Yeah, I don't know if this was a breakthrough game or not, but just off the naked eye, I thought he played pretty well."

On if better game was result of winning one-on-ones or just overall progress of team: "I think it was more a step in the progress moving forward. This is a match-up league though and that's what you have to be able to do and ultimately what it comes to and what teams do is they try to get the one-on-one match-ups that they feel like they got the best opportunity to win. And then you have to go out and win those things. So probably the best answer to your question is a little bit of both."

On injury update: "It looks like both those guys [Streater and Branch] have a fractured foot."

On team showing resilience: "We took a step forward, but we still have a ways we have to continue to go."

On job security: "Listen, we went out there to try to win a football game and that's all we can focus on. That's all we will focus on."

On Darren McFadden unable to get the big gain: "I think the hope is that if we continue to get him in those areas where he's close, eventually we'll get the big run. There was a couple in there where he had an opportunity that could have been a big one, but you have to give them credit. That's a good football team we played and they made some plays."

On if he thought about going for one or two points after the score: "Yeah, that thought went through my head. It's a moot point now, you know what I mean? We would have done what we felt like we had to do to win." 


On the loss: "It's hard. It's really hard because of how much we fought as a team. We go all the way down and tie it up, certain things happen. We get another shot at it, certain things happen, so football happened, that's for sure. It's just hard because we fought so hard, but adversity is not easy. You just keep grinding away and you really, again, you find out what kind of person you are when you're going through times like this."

On keeping calm in a hostile environment: "This is obviously not an easy place to play, especially against however many Super Bowls they've won. They're a great team. They have a Hall of Fame quarterback and they have some Hall of Fame players on the defensive side of the ball, so we knew it was going to be a challenge, especially in this environment. But, for the most part, as they've done all season, I thought my O-line did a great job, tight ends and backs included in protection, I think they did a great job. It's hard, again, I can't say without seeing the film what calls we could have done better for myself, but I felt, again, they did a great job. We put ourselves in a position to win in a tough place against a Super Bowl-type team and that's how we view ourselves. Now we have to keep going. We just have to keep going."

On his emotion after the end-of-game interception: "It's just the heat of the game. It was just frustration just because we fought so hard. I just felt bad for my team. I just felt bad for my team. I can promise you it wasn't anything profanity or anything like that; I don't remember the last time I said a cuss word, so it wasn't that. I can promise you that. I was just frustrated. I was just frustrated because I wanted to win. I wanted to come back in that locker room and see my teammates' smiles on their faces and sitting back and enjoy watching that. But now we have to wait another to see if we can do that."

On if Denarius Moore should have caught the pass: "It's hard, again, it was tight coverage. I didn't see exactly what happened. I think it was my lineman or someone in the way, but obviously, I'm going to be hard on myself and say, 'I should have made a better throw,' because I didn't see it happen. I didn't see the play, so I don't know. All you can do is handle what you can control and maybe there's something I could have done better to help us win."

On the plays they should have had: "Just from an execution standpoint, yes, the 3rd-and-5, I forget where it went, but I'm always going to think I can put the ball in his face. I'll get better in that sense. Again, I didn't see the play, the last play, but of course it eats at me because we lost and if we won, it'd still eat at me because I'm just trying to get better. I'm just trying to be a better player so the Raiders can win."

On the effort: "Absolutely, there's no doubt in my mind, myself included. I learned a lot about myself in the past two games and the way I went into them. I knew that this was going to be as hostile an environment as you can go into, so I took it upon myself as a personal challenge to be more energetic, to be…not more vocal, but just more energetic, just try to get the guys ready to go. I definitely felt that from everybody though. I'm just talking about myself because that's all I can speak for, but I felt it from everybody though. Everybody was that way and I guarantee we put a scare into them late, that's for sure. No one expected that, but we did. That's what we expect out of ourselves; now we just have to finish it. It doesn't matter if there was a holding call, it doesn't matter what happens, it doesn't matter, we lost. WE have to go back to work this week in London and fix what we need to fix. But if we come out with that same effort, we're going to be a good football team."

On the McFadden touchdown that was called back: "I didn't see the flag. As soon as I saw him crease it, I saw our line block him up, and I saw him go in…actually, a yard before he went in, I turned around, jumped up, celebrating. I was excited. We went down on the field, did what we needed to do, so I didn't see the flag thrown. I didn't necessarily see what happened."

On if he saw the replay: "I didn't because in my head, they called it, that's what they're there to do – they're calling penalties. I'm never going to say right, wrong, indifferent, so in my head, I didn't even watch it because I had to run the next play. That was my mindset was to get everybody back in the huddle. Hey, it is what it is." 

On if they would have run a next play to go for the win: "I don't know. That's Coach Allen's decision, but I was ready to go."


On if he thought they tied the game: "Definitely thought we scored a touchdown. The referee ruled it a hold, so you know you got to roll with whatever they call."

On how a close loss on the road stings: "It stings very bad. Anytime you go out there and get that close you want to capitalize off of it. We just weren't able to capitalize off of it today."

On if today's game was the best the team has played this season: "It's some of the better ball we've played, but we know we can get better. We have to go out there and capitalize on our opportunities and can't make as many mistakes."

On what he saw on the rushing touchdown that was called back for holding: "When I heard the play call I knew it was a touchdown. I wasn't going to be denied and told myself to get into the end zone, you know, 'whatever it takes.'" 

On if he saw the hold: "I didn't see the play, but from what everyone is saying it sounds like it wasn't a hold. What they're all saying is it's not a hold."

On how difficult it is to go from being excited about a touchdown play to learning it was called back: "It's very difficult. From the moment I turned around and nobody was celebrating with me I knew something wasn't right."

On if this loss is harder to take compared to the other losses this season: "Any loss is hard to swallow, but this one right here is very hard to swallow. You go out there and think you've tied the game and it's just hard feeling to swallow."

On if he thinks the team executed better than in other weeks: "I feel like we executed a little better, but we still have to capitalize on some things and clean up some things."

On why the offense wasn't able to find the end zone today: "It's just one of those things where we could kick field goals, but we knew against this team we needed to score touchdowns and that's something we didn't do."

On quarterback Derek Carr's performance in a hostile environment: "He's a young quarterback and he did a great job. I feel like he handled himself very well and kept the team [together] and handled them very well, too."

On quarterback Derek Carr's performance in a hostile environment: "He's a young quarterback and he did a great job. I feel like he handled himself very well and kept the team [together] and handled them well, too."

On how the team stays positive after falling to 0-3 on the season: "For us, keep fighting and forget about today and just move on to Miami."

On if there was one play he thought he had the opportunity to break away from the defense: "For me, I just say to myself, 'I've got to make those plays.' Getting 10, 15 yards out of them, I've got to turn them into 30, 40, 50-yard plays. That's one of those things I take full responsibility for and I have to go out there and make those plays. I have to do a better job."


On the play of Derek Carr: "He has always looked comfortable to us and he has been improving every week, on and off the field.  We need to continue to give him more help and make bigger plays for him. That will make the game easier and slow the game down for him.  He is doing a great job for us. This team is full of playmakers and full of dynamic guys and we pride ourselves on trying to be an explosive offense.  We want him to have a variety of guys to throw the ball to and he utilizes all of us."

On his own performance: "I felt I didn't do enough. I go in saying we have to get a win and for us to get a win I have to make plays.  If we do not win I didn't make enough plays. We didn't come out with the win so I didn't make enough plays for us. There are always positives to take out of a game.  One thing I tell our guys is don't get to high after a win and don't get to low after a loss."


On the last series of the game: "I felt like we had it won there, at least tied. It was a tough call; it didn't look like a hold to me. We've got to still win it whether, it's first and 15 or second and 15. It was frustrating too, a tipped ball goes up in the air for grabs and goes right to Vince[Wilfork]. I felt like we played our butts off and right there at the end, it was a frustrating loss. We know we've got a good team here, we're 0-3 but the Patriots are a playoff team and we came in here and fought right with them. We know we can be good we just got to start finishing and stop doubting ourselves."

On being frustrated: "This team [Patriots] doesn't lose at home too often. We were excited about that challenge to be honest. It felt like we went toe-to-toe with them the whole game, and we just didn't end up on top."


On if he was surprised the referees called holding on what would have been a game-tying touchdown: "I thought it was a clean block, but the call is what it was so I don't have too much to say about that."

On why he thought the referees threw the flag: "I don't know. Maybe they saw something from a different angle. It was there call."

On if he saw the replay on the video board: "Yes." 

On if he thought the play was a clean block: "Yes, to me it was."


On the defense's play in the red zone and his near interception: "We fought hard and I am proud of every one of us.  It was a heartbreaking way to lose.  That is what hurts.  I wish I would have gotten it.  That's what happens.  It is over now.  It was a deflection.  I still have to watch the film.  I am proud of the way we fought.  I would ride with these boys any day.  I love these teammates and I love this team.  We are going to be a good team."


OnBrady's skills as a blocker: "I was going to go into him and hit him, but I was thinking he might try to cut [block] me so I got my hands out in front of me and got in on the tackle.  He's a quarterback [laughing].  They don't have to block, just give it to the running back and get out of the way.  After that he asked me if I was alright because he isn't trying to hurt anybody.  I said, 'I'm cool'.  I know quarterbacks, they don't want to hit you, they want to get out of the way and protect themselves.  I would have been wrong if I went right after him.  I thought about it but I realized when he cut back, it was Tom.  I don't want to do a quarterback like that.  I made sure I stayed off of his block and tried to make the tackle."

On the defense's red zone play: "I think we played pretty good. The last two weeks as a team, that wasn't the type of effort we showed.  We came in against this team, a playoff team every year, and showed we can play with those guys.  As a defense, we line up against their offense and they are going to get some points and they are going to make some plays but we are going to keep three on the board instead of seven on the board then we have a chance to win."


On the tough loss: "We had a good chance to beat a good team on the road and it didn't happen for us. If we play the type of football we know we can play, we can beat anybody. It was disheartening that we didn't come out of here with the win, but it is something that we can build on. We've got a lot of game left to play, and that is our mindset."

On this week versus last week: "I think it was just us playing well. We started fast on defense, and we just got into a rhythm and that was pretty much it. It wasn't like we did anything different other than we played well. I think the biggest thing we did; we came together and said enough talking it's about doing. I think guys took that to heart and came out and played. We tried to have fun today. We haven't been having fun, I noticed that when a bad play happened in the past. It kind of killed moral."


On the team's performance: "We had a chance. We just need to do a better job of catching opportunities when they are there. I think we did a good job of putting pressure on the quarterback. When we got pressure to him and he threw the ball, we had a few opportunities to make some plays on the ball, we hit the ball and get the ball. We just need to do a better job."

On the team's progress: "We took a step forward. Like I said, we had some missed opportunities out there, a few interceptions we could have had. I could have had one that could have been a game changer and potentially put some points on the board. We have to get better and when we have an opportunity to catch the ball we need to catch it."

On the feeling on the field: "We are moving in the right direction. I think we went out there and did some great things today. We showed that we can play good against the run and that we can get after the quarterback. Now as a defense we just need to help the offense get some points on the board. It was time to just go out there and play football. We started going out there and having fun and that what it is all about. We had some missed opportunities that we should have had taken advantage of."


On the game and the team's effort: "It was a close one. We fought hard and we couldn't come up with the plays that we needed. No doubt about it, it was a much better effort. We still came up short which is disappointing for us because we all fought our hearts out. We just came up a little short. "

On the defensive play: "For the most part, we played our fundamentals. I think we got a little pressure when we needed to and I think for the most part we stayed tight on coverage when needed to with all of the different looks.  We still came up short and it is disappointing for us."

On the interception: "I should have had two. I am disappointed with myself because those are plays I need to make, especially in tight ball games, big ball games. We need to get in the winners' column. I feel like anytime I get my hands on the ball whether it is one hand or two hands I should make the catch and I missed it."

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