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Raiders vs. Eagles Quote Sheet


RB Rashad Jennings rushed for 102 yards and his first TD as a Raider and added 74 receiving yards. Photo by Tony Gonzales

Head Coach Dennis Allen

On the game: "I'll start off with the injuries –  [Darren] McFadden had a hamstring. [Rod] Streater's got a hip. [Terrelle] Pryor with a knee and [Kaluka] Maiava with ribs. Obviously, very disappointed in the way that we played. I've got to do a better job of making sure our team is emotionally, physically, mentally prepared and ready to go. Obviously, we didn't hold up our end of the bargain. We also realize that we're a better football team than what we displayed out there today and we have to be better than that. We'll go back to work. We'll get ready to go up to New York and compete against the New York Giants and we'll put a better product on the field. Just really, overall, disappointed. Defensively – way, way too many explosive plays down the field. To beat a team like this, that was one of the things we talked about all week is being able to win the explosive play battle and they won it and we didn't. So we just have to be better."

On lack of QB pressure: "A couple times we weren't able to put pressure on him because we dropped into a 3-man rush on a couple of those. I thought they did a great job in protection and he did a nice on a couple of plays of being able to move around and buy some time. We tried some 5-man pressure. We tried some 4-man pressure. We tried some max-drop and really, at the end of the day, none of it worked."

On if the Eagles offensive pace was a problem: "I don't think it was the pace. I think they came out and they executed. I think they did a nice job. Obviously, the second play of the game they hit Riley Cooper on a little, it was kind of, a run-pass option and they did a nice job of executing it and we didn't exactly play it the way we needed to and get the ball turned back inside. They got a big play in the game and kind of got us behind the eight ball and we never really were able to kind of come back from it."

On giving up a 3rd-and-16 completion down 21-10: "Again, there was a lot of big plays in the game. That was obviously one of them. We kind of had got a little momentum going our way. We had them in a longer yardage situation and we were in a max-drop there on that particular one and he had enough time to end up finding the open receiver and complete it for the first down. That would have been a big stop for us if we were able to be able to get off the field there, make them punt when they're in a little bit of a backed up situation and maybe we can get something going. Really, we just got beat today, really in all phases. We just weren't able to do the things that we needed to do to have success. We have to be better."

On the defense: "Listen, No. 1, I still have a lot of confidence in this defense. I think this defense is still a good defense. We had a bad day. That happens; it happens to everybody. You go out and have a bad day, you don't do what you're capable of doing and that's what happens. This defense is a bunch of men in that locker room and they'll come back, they'll respond and they'll be better next week."

On what is said in the locker room after the game: "Really, listen, there's not a whole lot you can tell them. At the end of the day, that was an old-fashioned butt-whooping. We have to move on from it. We have to learn from it. We have to be better next week."

On DJ Hayden: "He had a tough day. He had a tough day and DJ wasn't the only one that had a tough day. Obviously, when you play out there on the island and you have a tough day, those things stand out a little bit more. He's a young player. He's going to continue to work. He's going to continue to get better and we still have confidence that he can go out and do the job."

On if the recent praise of the defense got in their heads: "I don't know if that was the case or not. Obviously, we didn't play the way we're capable of playing and I think we all have to understand that in the National Football League, you have to come out and be fully prepared mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally ready to play."

On if the defensive struggle is a good thing: "I don't know if that's a good thing. Obviously, any time you get beat in that manner, I wouldn't say it's a good thing. I think our guys understand that we have to come out and perform. Every day is a new day so you can't sit back and think about what's happened in the past. You have to move forward and go to the next one. Just like some of the good games that we've played defensively, you've got to put those things behind you and move on. Same thing here, we had a bad game defensively, we have to put it behind us, we have to move on and we have to learn from it. We have to be better and we will."

On Pryor's injury: "I really don't know. We were going to go with [Matt] McGloin anyway there in the 4th quarter. I really was unaware that there was even injury so I don't know exactly the extent of it. Obviously we'll probably take a look at it in more detail tomorrow."

On Pryor's play: "I thought there was some good things that he did. Obviously, I thought his mobility and his ability to scramble around and make some plays down the field. We still have to continue to work to get better in the pocket and continue to develop our passing game. I think our passing game is an area we have to continue to work to improve. So yeah, I thought there was some ups and downs. I think when you look at this game and the manner in which it was played, it's hard for me to say that there was a lot of positives in any regard."

On if there are similarities with same record at same point last season: "None. Totally different football team. We're going to take this loss. We got knocked down. We're going to get back up and we're going to go back to work. And we're going to keep competing because that's what the men in that locker room are here to do and that's what they've done all year long."

On if Foles did anything to surprise Raiders: "No. Listen, they executed. We didn't. It's my job to make sure that the guys are prepared and ready to go and we'll do a better job next week.

On if McFadden's injury is a concern: "Yeah, obviously, you want to be able to have your best guys out there and have your best guys healthy. I thought Rashad Jennings did a great job filling in when Darren went down. If that's the case, some other guys are going to have to step up."

On severity of McFadden's injury: "I really have no idea."

On Eagles players wide open on some of the touchdowns: "The one on McCoy, I'm going to take responsibility for that one. They caught us off guard and we have to do a better job there. I have to do a better job there. For the most part, a lot of those plays, they beat us."

On if they were beat physically: "Yes."

QB Terrelle Pryor

On how he feels after the loss: "I feel good.  It's an embarrassing team loss; we just have to get better and we have to be better all-around offensively. I think the Eagles made some plays on offense and made some plays on defense a little bit but I think we pretty much stopped ourselves on offense. It was just one of those games."

On how his knee feels: "Good. We have to look at it further tomorrow but it's stable, I can walk. Nothing is wobbly or anything like that."

On facing pressure as the quarterback:"I don't have pressure, I just go out and make plays."

On if this loss is a step backwards for the team:"It's a step back. Like I said, they get paid, too. Those guys give the contracts for a lot of money; they get paid, too, to make plays. They made more plays than us. "

On possible frustration from dropped passes leading to interceptions:"At the end of the day when you're getting looked around or maybe ten years later, eight years later, two years later when you're getting traded or stuff like that it's the only time it really has a thing is they look at the interception ratio. It's frustrating about that but I love my guys, I love the guys I'm playing with. We just have to make better plays and it starts with me."

On what he was telling the offense late in the game:"I was just saying, 'Let's go. Let's go down and score.' I had the guys fired up and they were ready. I had the offensive line going, they were fired up. The receivers were ready to go; that was the first time I really faced that type of score. That's what happens in the NFL I guess. They were better than us."

On possible concern over his knee injury: "No, because like I said, the first thing they asked was, 'Is it wobbly at all?' I can bend it right now, turn it sideways but I'm good, just a little sore. They said it was just precautionary. They took me upstairs earlier just to get some ice and get a shower."

On lack of time to make reads: "A few times I was able to, like I said, I thought our offense line did great. Obviously there was pressure but that happens. Like I said, they get paid too. It's a one on one battle and sometimes when guys are getting in it and they don't get blocked, it's my job to make them miss or get the ball out. I just have to make plays and continue to help the team and help the offense. It's a group effort. At the end of the day it's a group effort. I think we made a lot of plays I just think we didn't make enough."

RB Darren McFadden

On how he feels after the game: "I'm doing alright, just kind of down about the game. I tweaked my hamstring a little bit at the end so I'm just trying to ride with it right now, come in tomorrow and see what the trainers say."

On what happened when he returned to the locker room:"We haven't done anything for it right now, like I said, we'll come in tomorrow and see what it is and go from there."

On how hamstring feels:"It's just sore right now, just like I tweaked my hamstring pretty much."

On how the game unfolded:"We took a hard one on the chin today. We took one on the chin and never bounced back from it."

On performance of QB Terrelle Pryor:"It's good to see him out there making plays. That's what he does, he makes plays. He does a pretty good job of it."

On being able to assess the loss afterwards:"We just have to come back and look at the film, so you can really look at it and take the time to pay attention to different things."

On when the game got out of hand:"I don't even know really. It seemed like it started getting out of hand around the second quarter, beginning of the third quarter."

On how team pushes through this type of loss:"You just have to have a short memory. After today, after tomorrow you put it behind you. You come in and watch film and put it behind you."

T Menelik Watson

On how he feels after the game:"Right now I can't be happy about what happened out there. That was very frustrating but I'm glad to be back out on the field. It's good to get your hands on somebody, move some people around, but I'm just really disappointed obviously by the result but it was a nice experience. You can't beat experience being out there."

On getting through the game healthy:"Yeah. You obviously get some things but you just play through it. We're just being careful with it, doing my rehab stuff but when you're out there you just have to let it loose. You can't worry about it going or anything so that's what I was trying to do out there."

On how he personally performed:"I'm always going to be disappointed, especially when we don't get the result. There are a lot of things I need to work on. There's a lot of things mentally, physically I felt fine. Obviously watching film is a different thing than being out there. I guess it's just from Coach [Rick] Trickett I always feel the worst fundamentally and there's a lot of things I can get better from a looks standpoint I have to get better. We have the Giants coming up so we can't dwell on this too long, we just have to fix the fundamental things and move forward."

On being nervous:"No man, never nervous, never nervous. They're men out there, it's not machines or aliens we're playing against, it's just men. I'm never nervous, whoever it is it doesn't matter to me." 

On getting work at right tackle throughout the week:"No, but like I said, I was prepared to go either way. If Coach wanted to put me inside I was prepared. That's never an issue with me. If Coach wants me left, if Coach wants me right, he wants me inside, it doesn't matter."

On a blowout loss being easier to handle than a tough loss:"No, the only thing I can get out of this is experience. Obviously, from a team standpoint I don't want to take anything from this, we have to be better. Experience, though, you can't beat experience. Coach  [Greg] Olson came up to me after the game and told me to just take the experience as it comes so that's the biggest thing I got out of it, experience. It's something to relish, even from the preseason I still watch a lot of cuts. I watch a lot of cuts from the Seattle game, you have to keep stacking them, learning from your mistakes."

LB Sio Moore

On whether the Eagles' up-tempo offense was a factor: "It's just about and execution. We can't worry about them. We didn't execute how we needed to and we didn't play how we needed to. I look at my game and I didn't do what I needed to do from a defensive standpoint as far as executing plays and providing energy and being the type of player that I need to be for the defense."

On whether the defense was overconfident entering the game: "No. The weeks are different. Last week is not this week. Each and every week is its own and we didn't come out there and play like how we really play. That game is not who we are, but they did a good job of executing and making plays when they needed to make plays and taking advantage of opportunities. Nick Foles – between him, [WR] DeSean [Jackson], [WR Riley] Cooper, and whoever else made plays, they did their job and they attacked us on offense how they needed to. We're better than that and we have to come back to work tomorrow and be better than that."

S Charles Woodson

On the game: "I really don't know what to say. Just, really, hats off to them. They came out and they executed their game plan from the word 'go'. They drove the ball right down on us on our defense, continued to put up points throughout the whole game, and we didn't have an answer for them."

On whether the Eagles caught them by surprise: "No. You don't get surprised in the NFL. I think we surprised ourselves by not playing well and just not getting the job done. We just didn't get the job done."* *

On whether the defense was overconfident entering the game: "Well I think you can read your press clippings and those can factor into it. The last couple of weeks there's been a lot of great things said about us – not just the defense, but the team overall. What we did today was open ourselves up for those attacks going forward. We're going to have to hear about it all week long. They'll keep replaying this game all week long so we're going to take a beating and we have to stand up to it and accept it for what it is, but understand that the season must go on. We have to go to work this week, prepare ourselves to make a road trip out east and try to bounce back."

On rookie CB DJ Hayden: "He had a tough day, but everybody's gone through it. If you've played in the NFL you've had a long day before, but if you want to play a long time you have to get past it. DJ was the 12th pick in the draft [so] nobody's going to feel sorry for him. The one the about it was he was in position, he was in position to make plays so those are plays that he's going to have to make going forward. I know that he'll replay those plays in his mind every second of the day going forward and he'll figure out what he needs to do to make those plays. He was right there step-for-step and he fell down one time, the other time I don't think he located the ball quick enough on the first one. I think he settled down and Riley Cooper was in the end zone and caught the touchdown, but he was in position on every play and from here on he just has to make a play."* *

On whether he thought QB Nick Foles could throw for seven touchdowns: "I don't think Nick Foles had seen anything on film that would give him any indication he that he'd throw for seven touchdowns. But in this league it doesn't matter who the quarterback is, if he's able to sit back and make throws and we give him some throws downfield, then he's going to make those plays. Nobody thought today that he'd come in and have this kind of day."

* *

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