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Raiders vs. Titans Quote Sheet


QB Matt McGloin scans the field to make a pass behind the offensive line's protection. Photo by Tony Gonzales

Head Coach Dennis Allen

On the game: "Update on injuries as far as the guys who didn't finish the game – Mike Jenkins and Mychal Rivera both had concussions and Kevin Burnett had a quad contusion. I thought our guys went out there and I thought at times we played well and I thought we did some good things in the game. We didn't have enough to make enough plays to win the game. There's several things that you can look back – we missed two field goals in the first half. We come out and got a lead at halftime, come out second half and let them, we dropped coverage and let them hit us on a big play for a touchdown. Third downs weren't good enough in the football game. We have to give those guys a lot of credit, but our guys played hard, we just didn't make enough plays to win the game."

On Tracy Porter's coverage on the final touchdown: "Tracy was fine. It's a tough route versus the coverage that we were in. I thought they did a good job of executing. They had a nice play up, which made it tough for us to be able to defend. But if I had it to do over again, I would have been more aggressive right there and come after them. So put that one on me."

On the defensive struggles on 3rd down: "I think a lot of it had to do with them. I think they did a good job. I said all along that they had good receivers, that they were talented, that they good get open. They made plays. We weren't able to quite make the plays we needed to make."

On if QB Ryan Fitzpatrick's ability to evade the rush made defense less aggressive up front: "No, we had an aggressive game plan. There was several pressures in the game that we had up. They have a good offensive line. I think they did a pretty good job in protection and then when we did get pressure, Fitzpatrick was able to elude the pressure. And that was something we knew going in that he was creative in the pocket, that he could extend plays with his feet and he was able to do that today."

On the missed field goals: "We're not making them, not consistently enough. We have to continue to work to get better there. I feel like Sebastian is going to work through this. I still have all the confidence that when I send him out there that it's going to go through. So it's just something that we have to go through and we have to get better in that area."

On if QB Matt McGloin earned another start: "Yeah, I thought Matt played well. And for him to lead us back when we needed a touchdown, he got us the touchdown we needed to give us the lead; we just couldn't hold it defensively. So yeah, I thought Matt played well."

On if it's a field goal unit problem: "I'd say it's a field goal unit problem. There's 11 guys out there; it's not all on one guy. We have to improve in that area – snap, hold, kick, protection. The goal is to get the ball through the uprights and there's 11 guys responsible for making sure that happens."

On one of the missed field goals: "It's tough to see from my angle. I don't know. They said it wasn't good." 

On the defense giving up an 80-yard drive and the go-ahead TD: "When you've got a lead, we believe it's our responsibility defensively to go out there and protect the lead and hold them. We weren't able to do that so we'll learn from it. We'll continue to work. We'll continue to get better and we'll do better next him."

On if McGloin grew as a QB in the 4th quarter: "He led the team down the field, a couple of nice throws in there. I thought the protection was good. So whether he grew up or not, I think he went out there and executed and did his job and moved the team and that's what we expect him to do."

On if blocked punt was a designed play: "It was something that we wanted to try get pressure on them and see if we couldn't create something and make something happen and we did and we got possession of the ball in good field position. We just weren't able to capitalize on it."

On if RB Rashad Jennings was dinged up at one point: "He got a little shoulder stinger, but he was fine."

On WR Rod Streater's injury: "He was able to come back, yeah."

QB Matt McGloin

On missed opportunities: "Up and down day, but we're going to have days like that. I thought we missed on a couple opportunities offensively, but we'll go back to the drawing board. We've got a quick turnaround this week so we're back at it tomorrow."

On offensive adjustments: "We just couldn't get things going early on. You're going to have days like that. Unfortunately, it was one of those days today, but I thought we did a good job of adjusting at halftime and it was great to see that we were able to make those changes and continue to get better, figure things out, and work things out."

On the offensive line: "I don't think any quarterback is a big fan of sacks, taking losses, things like that. The offensive line did a great job today though picking up blitzes. Pass protection was really good today and that's something we've gotten better at each week. We're definitely going to need some good pass protection come Thursday."

On who will start at QB next game: "That's really not my decision, the same as it was last week. I'll be ready when and if called upon."

On his interception: "Just a bad decision by me, that's really it. I didn't put the ball where it needed to be."

LB Nick Roach

On the Titans' offensive success: "It's frustrating, of course, especially when you feel like you have a good idea of what they're going to try to do. That's when you've got to give them credit for being able to execute, because if they do something when you know it's coming and it still works, that's on them executing and you not being able to stop them."

On moving forward: "When you get momemtum you want to keep it. Tonight we wanted to put a streak together. It does make it a little harder to get on the road, obviously. We still have some learning to do as a team on how to finish games, and that's what we need to focus on."

CB Tracy Porter

On final touchdown play: "He made a great read. The position I was in was on purpose and they threw a pitch right between me and the corner and it was difficult for both of us to make the play. It's just what happened."

On Titans success on 3rd down: "They just out executed us, plain and simple. Game plan, whether guys were out of position on certain things, coverages, we were just out executed. They have a pretty good quarterback that can make things happen with his arms as well as his legs and we didn't wrap up on our tackles. I, myself, definitely need to wrap up on tackles as well."

On Titans game plan: "It was just him [Ryan Fitzpatrick] capitalizing on our mistakes. If you look at it, he capitalized on a lot of things we did wrong. They didn't do anything special; they didn't have any trick plays. They came out and ran things they've ran all season and just executed on the things that they were running. We were out of position and the quarterback did a great job of making us pay for it."

On thinking about possible playoff implications before the game: "Yeah, we think about that, but at the same time, we can't get to that level unless we take care of what's right now. That's a long term goal; we have a bunch of short term goals that we have to accomplish, like winning back-to-back games. Once we get a better understanding of taking care of what's in front of us right now and taking it one day at a time, those little goals will add up to the big goal that we want."

FS Charles Woodson

On Raiders defensive failure on 3rd down: "I'm just going to say, it was one of those days. It wasn't like they were giving us anything we hadn't seen beforeon film. You just have to credit it to not making the play."

On disappointment of the game: "It's disappointing, especially with the way we went out and performed last week. The way we were able to get off the field, the way we were able to get off the field in red zone situatinos, to let a team drive down late in the game today and get a touchdown to get the go ahead score is pretty disappointing. We didn't expect to have that happen today; we felt like we played much better than that."

On what led to defensive failure on 3rd down: "It's a combination of things, but we just didn't make the plays that we needed to make. That's what it really boils down to."

On Titans crossing patterns: "On film we've seen, when I watched the game last week, that's pretty much all they ran ,crossing patterns and they did the same thing today. Like I said, they didn't do anything today that we haven't seen on film and we allowed them to make a lot of those plays."

On final touchdown play: "We were in an 'M' deep formation and we ran out; we just have to convert. Somebody has to make a play in that situation and we weren't able to get to him before he crossed the goal line."

On not being able to harness momentum from last week: "Yeah, it's tough. We've tried to emphasize getting two in a row, we just haven't been able to do it. We certainly want to win at home when we have the opportunity to play here in front of our fans and we didn't get it done."

On injuries playing a role on the final drive: "We just didn't make the play. I don't think it was a matter of who was in or out; we had some opportunities to get off the field and we didn't do it. We have to get off the field on third down situations, especially at the end of the game, the clock was running out. We have to at least hold them to a field goal if anything and tie the game and possibly go into overtime and we weren't able to do that."

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