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Schaub Ready for Green Bay Test


Q: Coach Allen said there are a lot of improvements to be made offensively. What areas in particular do you think still need some work?**

Schaub: "I think just being consistent, staying on schedule. We came out fast the other night, and then had an unfortunate turnover, but we were moving the football, made some big plays. We just have to play consistent and understand our responsibilities on each and every down and execute it to the best of our ability – that's the big thing."

Q: With this week being as close to a regular season week as you have, have you found that Week 3 can be productive towards the regular season?

Schaub: "Absolutely. It's treated just like a game week. We approach it that way with our meetings, our schedule, our daily routine. It's a chance for guys to get in that daily routine and understand how we schedule the week on Wednesday, what is a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday schedule, have our meetings, travel on the road. But, very much like an in-season game. It's a chance for guys. It's a dress rehearsal for the regular season."

Q: You got blitzed quite a bit against the Lions, even more than usual for a preseason game. Is that something you like to see this time of year?

Schaub: "Yeah, I think it's good. It gives you a chance to make some plays on the outside, get in your playmakers' hands in one-on-one coverage, get them in space but test your calls, protections and what you're doing offensively. So, I think it's a good thing to see the blitz rather than just sit back and have a four-man rush and play zone. I like having a little bit of blitz." Q: How would your critique your personal performance over the first few preseason games?

Schaub: "I think much like the team, especially offensively – just being more consistent. Like I said, we moved the ball on the first drive last game and had an unfortunate turnover. To come back after that, as an offense when we had two three-and-outs, we have to get back on schedule after a change of possession. We didn't do that, but then we ended up putting a drive together. So, I think how our offense goes is how the quarterback is going to go. So, just being more consistent [with] what we're doing."

Q: How important is staying on schedule to this particular offensive scheme to make sure that you're chipping away to get into that third-and-short?

Schaub: "The most important down, most would think, is third down. But it's really first down because you want to put yourself in a manageable situation to have it in second-and-medium or second-and-short. It really opens up the playbook and then to stay out of third-and-longs. Then it really gives the defense and opportunity to get off the field and really call anything they want. If you can keep it third-and-less than six, you can throw a flat route and convert for a first down rather than having to force the ball down the field."

Q: How big would it be put some points on the board against Green Bay?

Schaub: "It would be huge. To go on the road in the third preseason, which like we said you really treat like an in-season game, you want to go out and establish yourself early in the football game as a football team on the road. And in no better place than to go play in Green Bay and to do that against a good football team."

Q: When they are rotating guys in and out at wide receiver, does that make continuity difficult?

Schaub: "Not really, because we've gotten so much work in throughout the offseason and throughout camp with all of the guys because there has been such rotation at the group and trying to find the pieces where guys fit the best. So, it hasn't really affected any type of continuity. It's just a matter of guys getting comfortable with certain positions and spots on the field."

Q: Is there a point where you want to know which receivers you will be working with on a regular basis?

Schaub: "We have some time, still, to figure that out. But yeah, absolutely, we'll get to that point. But right now, we're just trying to find different combinations and different ways to do it, but we have a lot of confidence in every single one of those guys because they have all shown the ability to step in and make plays."

Q: What has been your impression of Denarius Moore so far?

Schaub: "'D-Moe' has really come into camp and had a good camp. He's continued to make progress in his career and with his work ethic. He's had a really good camp to this point, and really made some plays in some of the games, some good catches, run after the catch. Just has to continue to do that."

Q: There were some protection issues in the first couple of series. Were those line calls or just the kind of thing where they were blitzing more than you expected?

Schaub: "They did test our protections a little bit, and guys got on edge a little bit but things that we can pick up and things that we can improve on and there are instances where I just need to get rid of the ball, which I am able to do. Sometimes they can bring more than we can protect and test the schemes. In certain cases, we just have to throw it away. They get paid too, so you try to test your time in the pocket as much as possible, but certain times you just have to throw it away and live for another down. But, it's good to get hit a little bit, test the pads and just feel that rush. It was good to get a little bit more pressure."

Q: Do you think this offense can stretch a little bit? Do you feel like you have a big-play ability when you need to let one rip?

Schaub: "I definitely think so. I think we have big-play ability on the outside. We have big, fast, physical receivers that can go up in one-on-one situations and have shown to catch the football at the high point and out-jump a defensive back or go up and get it when you give them a chance. We're putting faith in them to go up and make the play. We definitely have that capability."

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