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Quote Sheet: Kansas City Chiefs 26 Oakland Raiders 10


Quarterback Derek Carr

Head Coach Jack Del Rio

Opening Statement:"Not the kind of afternoon we were hoping to have today. We took our lumps. We were out played, out coached. Give them the credit. They won the game. It's just one game. Good or bad, we're moving on. I'll answer your questions and then we'll start doing something."

Q: Did you see misdirection on defense? What do you think is going on with your defense?

Coach Del Rio:"Yeah, we're not playing very well right now. We're capable of more. We have to teach it better. We have to learn it better and we have to do it better. It's nowhere near what it needs to be. You know, 13-10 at halftime, not really playing that well, but right in it. Then come out and let them go right down the field to start the second half. That's a major can't do. Look, what I know about this league and this profession is you correct what needs to be corrected and you move on. Like I said, we'll take our lumps. They beat us today. They earned that one game. That's what it is, one game. So we move on."

Q: Are you concerned with the continuing pattern of defensive struggles?

Coach Del Rio:"It can't continue. Not for us to be the kind of team we had designs on being. We're sitting here at 4-2 right now. Coming off a day that didn't go the way that it needed to go for us to go home with a big smile on our face. We'll get ready for the next opportunity."

Q: What wasn't the offense going smoothly?

Coach Del Rio:"Well, again, I thought we got out coached and out played. So take your pick."

Q: You started strong on the opening drive and then couldn't get things rolling. What happened?

Coach Del Rio:"We didn't execute as well. I thought we executed really well to start."

Q: Was there any phase of the game that had a silver lining today?

Coach Del Rio:"The biggest silver lining is it's one day. We didn't get anybody hurt."

Q: Does Khalil Mack need to play better for this defense to be better?

Coach Del Rio:"No. No I wouldn't put it on any one play or any one person at all. I think Khalil is playing very well for us. We need to play better around him."

Q: Why do you think the running game struggled so much?

Coach Del Rio:"Can't really answer that. To me, the running game is about getting opportunities. When you're moving the chains, creating first downs, more opportunities to run the ball, that's typically where you start the run game. That's same way defending it. Without speaking specifically to any one thing, I would venture to say that there's a pretty good likelihood that we weren't converting third downs."

Q: What did you see on the interception?

Coach Del Rio:"It was probably a bad decision. Based on the circumstances of the rain and the sloppiness there, to try to get that much out of his [Derek Carr's] arm, I think probably over estimated his ability to just flip it down there. With it being wet and sloppy there early in the game."

Q: How much did the sloppiness ground your air attack today?

Coach Del Rio:"I think we threw it best when it was the wettest so I don't really…I mean the wettest, early portion of the game is when it was really the sloppiest and I thought we went out and started the game perfectly fine."

Q: What did Kansas City do to impact Amari Cooper's game in the second half?

Coach Del Rio:"They may have changed up a thing or two. Like I said, I started it by saying outcoached, outplayed. It was one game for them and we'll get ready for the next."

Q: What went behind putting Malcolm Smith in the game? Was that a reaction to something that was going on on the field?

Coach Del Rio:"No, no, the design was to play good defense today and he's a part of that. We just didn't get that done."

Q: There was a play when Khalil Mack was covering Albert Wilson, was that on designed or just happened?

Coach Del Rio:"No, we didn't adjust to the formation they presented. So, that goes in the mental error category. We had a few of those. Those are kinds of things that basically goes in that category where they design something, we don't adjust properly and we have a matchup that's not going to be good for us."

Q: Why have there been so many schematic adjustments to the defense over the last few weeks?

Coach Del Rio:"For me, where I like to take things is where it starts for me individually. I asked our guys to all look at themselves individually. You guys can try to have the answers, but I know the way it really works is we all dig down and give everything we have of ourselves to the good of the team. So for me, I'm going to focus on making sure I'm teaching better. With the staff, instructing better and making sure that the staff then in turn is teaching and coaching and getting the most out of our guys and developing our guys. That's what we're all about. We're in it together. We have a good group of men. They're very determined. I'd liked to start playing really well. Next time out would be a great time to start."

Q: Were you ready for the Dontari Poe play?

Coach Del Rio:"We were ready for that one. Maybe not that much beef out there, but we were ready for the play. Same play they ran last year. We practiced it all week. It's not like it was a surprise. They needed a yard and they got a yard."

Q: When you say how we're coached, do you mean the game plan or as the game went on or both?

Coach Del Rio:"I'm saying I can do a better job, and that's what I'm focusing on."

Q: You said it was just one game, but does this game mean more than others early in the season?

Coach Del Rio:"Every game's important, all year long. You never know which one is more important than the other. Like I said, one game."

Q: What is it about Alex Smith that makes him such a threat?

Coach Del Rio:"Talked about Alex [Smith] leading up to the game, good football player, little underrated. If he's got to rely on throwing the ball, it's really not his strong suit, but if you allow them to run the ball, do some of their gimmicky things, then he comes to life. That's what they were able to do today."

Q: Were you calling the defensive signals this game?

Coach Del Rio:"No, no. Kenny's [defensive coordinator Ken Norton, Jr.] got the headset."

**Raiders QB Derek Carr


*Q: How does it feel to not finish as strong today? *

Carr: "It hurts. Especially a division game, especially against the chiefs. It hurts, man. It sucks. We didn't do good enough at all. I mean, that was bad. That was a bad performance by us. Stupid thing about this game is that it's going to be like crap, but we know how we are. We know what we can do. Obviously, we didn't do it today but we have to go back and get to work."

Q: The first drive started out well, what do you think were the problems today?

Carr: "I really don't know. It wasn't really anything they were doing that was different or not what we expected. I'm not really sure, just thinking off the top of my head- why. As soon as you turn the film on, you'll know. You'll see it and say there it is. Once we do that, we'll have a better feel for it."

Q: What happened during the KC CB Marcus Peters interception- did you slip?

Carr: "No excuses, man. We just have to make the play."

Q: Do you think you have been feeling extra pressure in the last few games?

Carr: "Like I said last week, I don't think of the game any differently. However the game is going, I'm always so attuned to the situation—the clock, the score, who we're playing, the defense, the game plan, and those type of things, I really don't have time to think about those kind of things. My mindset is just so focused on my job. There's so much, obviously, with the position. I'm focused on that part. I don't really think about that."

Q: Did KC change their coverage when it came to WR Amari Cooper compared to the first and second half?

Carr: "They did, in the second half. We could see it. We knew what they were doing. Me and Coop [Amari Cooper] were talking about it during the game. We had run a play and he would come back and make sure we saw the same thing, exactly right."

Q: Did you make any changes while KC CB Marcus Peters was out?

Carr: "Off the top of my head, I don't think so. I'm trying to remember exactly that drive because I don't want to be wrong. But I don't think so."

Q: How did the running game impact the team's performance today?

Carr: "Yeah, that always helps the running game in football. So, I don't know if was the field, us, or players- but anytime you can have that rain, it's always going to help."

Q: Do you think the offense is missing RB Latavius Murray?

Carr: "Yeah, I think they're doing a great job. I think they're doing a fantastic job, but it's like anybody. If you lose a starter, it's always going to be hard on you. It's going to be hard because Tay [Latavius Murray] is such a good player, Pro-Bowl running back. He's had over 1,000 yards over this last year, been in some tough games, ran the ball really hard for us. You can never just replace people and just think yes we got it. Then again, that has nothing to do with the running backs. I think they do a great job. I thought they ran really hard all day. I thought they did a great job."

Q: Has WR Amari Cooper improved getting both feet in bounds within the last few weeks?

Carr: "Absolutely. I'm glad you said that. He works hard at it. When he sees something he needs to do, he's going to work at it. I was happy to see that. In the NFL, you're going to need every inch. Especially with the speed and talent of defenders nowadays, you're going to need every inch. He did a great job of working on that. It was nice to see it pay off today."

Q: How have the home losses impacted you?

Carr: "It sucks. When you come home, that has to be an advantage. There's got to be something where it's just a different feel. It has to be. We have yet to create that. It's frustrating. When we come home, we have the best fans. We should be able to have the biggest home field advantage and go out there and dominate. But we just haven't created that yet. It's frustrating, but it's not concerning. It's not concerning because I think situational and football wise. Not concerned at all, but I know what we need to do at practice to get better." 

**Raiders S Reggie Nelson


Q: What do you think was the problem today?

Reggie Nelson:"I don't know what went wrong but that's why we watch film on Monday and come back and see what went wrong, come back to work on it. Get back after it."

Q: Despite the four wins, this defense wasn't happy with their performance through the first four weeks. Do you think it just caught up to you guys today, the defensive struggle?

Nelson:"We just need to continue to work. We need to continue to get better each week and let everything else take care of itself. I can't sit up here and make up any excuses for you all. We just have to continue to reset our jaw and come back to work on Monday and get back after it."

Q: It looked like their offensive plays were misdirection plays.

Nelson:"They made some good plays today. It's our job to stop them. We didn't do that. They came out on top. They won, they won this one today. We have to watch film and see what we messed up on and get better each week. It's week six, so we have a lot of football to catch up on."

Q: With rainy days, obviously offense wants to establish the run. They rushed for over 180 yards. Why was it so difficult to take them down?

Nelson:"Rain, snow, it really doesn't matter. We still have a job to do to stop them. We didn't play football."

Q: What's your biggest takeaway from this game?

Nelson:"We need to get better."

Q: Your head coach [Del Rio] said you got outcoached and outplayed. He put it on himself. Is that what he's telling you guys too?

Nelson:"I can't comment on what coach said. I can't wait to see what he says Monday about our film. That's it."

Q: What did he tell you guys after the game?

Nelson:"Play football, play hard."

**Raiders CB David Amerson


Q: Did the Kansas City offense do that much to surprise you, or was it that the defense just couldn't get into a good rhythm today?

Amerson:"No, not everything that they did was surprising, but at the end of the day, they just executed more than we did. I feel like as a defense, we got to do a better job and can't keep giving up 20-plus points and expect to win games.

Q: Is it safe to say that eventually the defensive struggles came up again today?

Amerson:"Yeah, I think as a team period. I think everybody had their struggles, their errors, but being a defensive player, there needs to be some improving that has to be done. Especially if we want to become the team that we want to be."

Q: Are you confident that the improvements can happen?

Amerson:"Oh yeah, for sure. I think we got the guys and definitely the coaches so it is just a matter of putting it all together."

Q: What has been the biggest issue through these first six weeks?

Amerson:"Biggest issue is the attention to detail. It is not the guys going out there and getting out physical or beat on every play. It is little details and the offense doing things that messes with our eyes and us not being in the right spots on the plays. Just those little details that can turn into big gains that adds up at the end of the day."

Q: You guys have said these problems are correctable, but it seems to be taking some time to correct them.

Amerson:"I think we have made corrections but we haven't been consistent. All it takes is that one play where something can happen and the play goes for 70 yards. It is based on one play, whether it is in the passing or running game. That are the issues you face on defense. You got to be fundamentally sound and detailed, and just do better at that."

Q: Offensively they cut the deficit to 13-10 before halftime. The Chiefs had that drive to start the third quarter, was that deflating for the defense?

Amerson:"Yeah definitely. Coming into halftime our offense put boards on the board. We definitely wanted to come out of halftime and get our offense the ball back. But, they went down and scored and that definitely deflated us as a team. We just got to do a better job."

**Raiders LB Bruce Irvin


Q: Do you run scenarios in your mind where you try to see where things went wrong during the game?

Irvin:"It was a tough day. Just got to continue to battle and practice. Just got to fix what went wrong."

Q: What do you think the issues have been with this defense?

Irvin:"Kansas City had a great game plan. Hats off to them. They did a lot of disguising to make us believe one thing and then they did other things. They played a hell of a game and we just messed up on some plays. We just got to continue to fix the problems and get better."

Q: Did you see all the edge plays coming?

Irvin:"You don't see it coming. Credit Kansas City to their game plan and it is the guys and I out of position. Just stuff we got to clean up every week."

Q: How frustrating has it been where the defense still hasn't figured things out six weeks in?

Irvin:"I mean it is frustrating. But, I still believe in this group. We feel like we got a great group of guys. We are going to continue to work and turn this thing around."

Q: Is the defense improving week-to-week?

Irvin:"It's just inconsistency. We play well and then we let a play get away from us. We just have to be consistent. That is the big thing is this league. You can't be inconsistent because teams that are too good will make us pay. We just have to continue to improve and be consistent. Keep stacking up those good plays on top of each other."

Q: With a chance to be in first in the AFC West, do you feel like you let an opportunity slip away?

Irvin:"No, I mean it is still only week six. It is a long season. We got 10 more games and anything can happen. We never were big on being first this early because it is a marathon, not a sprint. We got a long way to go but I am still confident we will turn this around, defensively."

Q: Even after last week's win, you weren't happy with the way you and the defense played. Was this basically what you feared?

Irvin:"I wouldn't say that. Like I said, it is just being inconsistent. We make a good play here, and then we give up a big play. We can't do that in this league or else the teams will make you pay."

**Raiders WR Amari Cooper


Q: How was the footing out there today?

Amari Cooper:"It was cool. I wore my second-step cleats, so the footing wasn't too bad."

Q: Once again you had a pretty good thing going with Derek Carr. Do you feel comfortable with him now?

Cooper:"Of course. He and I are on the same page. I know how he wants to throw the ball. I know how he wants me to run my routes. We just have to build on it now."

Q: In the first half, you guys were really clicking offensively and in the second half there were a lot of misfires. Was Kansas City doing anything different or you guys just weren't clicking?

Cooper:"It's never what they're doing, it's what we do. We just need to execute better. Play how we practice. Do the things we practice in practice."

Q: Do you think it's ever OK for this offense to just score 10 points?

Cooper:"Obviously we want to come out and score as many points as possible. We want to score 40 points every game. Some games we might score 10."

Q: Knowing you have to score a little bit more than most, how much pressure does that put on the offense?

Cooper:"This game is full of pressure. You look around, me going against a defensive back one-on-one in man coverage, that's pressure. Everything is pressure in this game. We can't worry about that, we just need to do our job. Each man has to do his job and execute."

Q: It seemed like Derek was a little off. Did it seem like that to you?

Cooper:"It didn't seem like that to me. There were a lot of conditions out there, like rain. He played well to me."

Q: You made a couple of those catches on the sideline. Were you happy to be able to deliver after last week?

Cooper:"I had one catch where I jumped and dragged my foot. I practiced it all week. I'm happy it showed up today."

Q: That field goal drive right before half time, that was a crisp drive. You guys were able to do that and cut it to within three. Were you feeling pretty good at that point?

Cooper:"That's what our team is. We go out there, we execute. We're a good offensive team, we have a lot of weapons. It didn't surprise me at all. That's what we expect."

Q: You guys had an opportunity to take sole possession of first place in the AFC West. Do you feel like you dropped an opportunity?

Cooper:"Obviously we didn't win. We didn't really take advantage of the opportunity, but it's a long season. We have 10 more games. We have to go out there and do what we're supposed to do, what we know we can do, and we'll be alright."

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