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Raider Nation, Stand Up - View Schedule - Presented by Allegiant

Raiders at Chiefs Quote Sheet


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Head Coach Dennis Allen

On the game: "Andre Gurode went out in the first half with a knee injury. Tony Pashos came out after halftime with a groin, so obviously we had some injuries up front in the offensive line; some guys mixed and matched, playing different positions, which I thought led to some of the ineffectiveness we had on offense. When you look at this game, we knew what type of game it was going to be. We knew that this was an extremely good defense and they play very good on special teams and they didn't make a lot of mistakes on offense. We knew that in order to win this game we were going to have to get some pretty decent field position with our defense, decent field position with our special teams and we knew that we were going to have to try to take the ball away and protect the ball on offense. You can't make the type of mistakes that we did against a good football team like this and expect to win the game. We have to do a good job of learning from this, maturing from this. The environment was a tough environment to play in. I think it was a great experience for some of our young guys to get that feel. Hopefully we'll learn from that experience and be able to handle this type of environment and play better the next time we're in it. The bye is coming at a good week, a good time for us. We will get a chance to get some rest, get back healthy and get ready for Pittsburgh."* *

On bad timing for injuries:"As good as they are on defense, you want to have all of your weapons, all your guys up front to protect. But that's the National Football League and we have to be able to adjust and we have to be able to go out and function and play. We weren't able to do that [today]."

On Terrelle Pryor's health: "I haven't talked to him yet, but I think health-wise he came out of it okay. Terrelle (Pryor) is a young, maturing quarterback and as hard as it was for us to play the way that we typically do offensively, I think it's a great learning experience for him. I think he'll be better for it when he gets put back in this type of environment again, and I think he'll do a better job."

On if the crowd limited what they could do on offense: "It didn't limit what we could or couldn't do but it was a factor in the game. Obviously, we had some trouble getting in and out of the huddle with some communication and we had some trouble with the snap count, so obviously it was a factor. I don't know if it limited what we could do, but it was a factor in our communication."

On Mike Brisiel playing center:"We had been working (Mike) Brisiel mostly at center [throughout the week]. He worked [the silent count]; we had gone through it with him. Obviously, he hadn't played a lot at center; it was an adjustment for him. We'll go back and look at the tape and see exactly where the breakdown occurred. Usually, when those things happen, with sacks like that, there is usually a breakdown [in communication]. The quarterback doesn't get a lot of time to see [what's coming]."

On if he considered pulling Pryor at end of the game: "No. I thought getting him into more of a two-minute situation, getting him some more plays. Let's not forget he's a young kid and he's learning how to play the position. He needs all the experience he can get. Obviously, you don't want to take any unnecessary hits or get anybody hurt, but we're still battling, kicking, scratching, crawling, trying to get back into this game because you never know what can happen."

On Pryor's job of avoiding big mistakes in the past but not necessarily today: "It's part of the learning experience. He's under a lot of pressure for the majority of the day and he still has to learn when to take those risks, when to give up on the play, get rid of the ball, don't take a hit, and don't take the sack. But those are all things that, when we get a chance to go in and watch film tomorrow, are all teachable moments and learning experiences for him."

On the offensive line injuries: "The bye week is coming at a good time to get some guys healthy, get some guys rested. Hopefully the injuries that did occur on the offensive line today are not serious and we'll be able to get Wis [Stefen Wisniewski] and Menelik Watson back out there, if not the bye week, then hopefully the Pittsburgh game. The big thing for us is to get rested up and healthy."

On offensive line injury problem: "It's pro football. I've been in this a long time and you never know what is going to happen. I've been in situations where you lose your corners; I've been in situations where you lose your offensive line. Really, what we have to do is evaluate where the injuries are and make adjustments. But we have a team of 53 guys, that's what the NFL allows us to have, and we have to go out and do a job with those players, and injuries are a part of the deal."

On things going your way in the first half then going into halftime tied instead of leading: "I thought that was a critical point in the game. You have a young player [DJ Hayden] with the pass interference in the red area, which gives them a chance to get down there tight. We were really in control of the game. I thought our defense was doing a great job against their offense the whole game. That's what happens. They just keep putting the pressure on you and force you to make mistakes. Unfortunately, we made mistakes."

On the Chiefs defense: "They're good, really good. You look at every level of their defense and they're an exceptional defense. I would put them at the top in the league. Where they fit in the top, I'm not sure, but they are a good defense."

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QB Terrelle Pryor

On the crowd noise:"It's unfortunate that we lost a couple key guys on the line. It's unfortunate that you don't get reps like that with the crowd noise. Its experience as a team, experience as offense. Defense played phenomenal. A lot of this falls on me. The loss is on me, and I'll take it. I'll make sure we get better. Me being the leader of the offense, I have to make sure that happens and it will."

On if offensive issues were on the offense or if it was good defensive play by Chiefs:"They have a good defense, but we were right there in the game. We were punching back and forth and then I turned the ball over. Like I said, I lost the game for us. I'm going to fall a lot, but I'm going to get up. That's just how it is. I'm going to get right back up and come swinging again. We see Pittsburgh in two weeks, and I'll be ready for them."

On how he's feeling:"I didn't take a beating. I'm a big man, a grown man. They just tackled me. They got me and they made great plays. It was not a beating though."

On if the game will be a learning experience:"There's a lot of things I did decent and there's a lot of things I did wrong. Like on the screen play, I broke on the first one that was a screen play and then I tried to take off and run on one of them and I ended up getting sacked by Tamba Hali. Playing them next time, I'm definitely looking forward to it. We'll be ready. At the same time, now I realize on the backside edge, you can't really see. He's very sneaky and strong. He's not like a lot of guys I've been playing. Once he grabs you, it's hard to get away from him, I'll give him that. At the end of the day, I have to make a play, throw the ball away. I take the loss. We'll be back. Like I said, I'll fall and get right back up. I'm standing right now."* *

On if first INT affected him:"No. Picks happen. Some of the greatest quarterbacks in the game throw picks. You're going to make mistakes. Understand why it happened, who is at fault, and you can learn from it. I mean, you can't really learn from it because you won't see the same exact thing, but you have to realize that you have to take care of the ball. A lot of times I tried and like I said, it's very unfortunate that happened. We lost the game because of turnovers and all of them were on me."

On offensive linemen stepping in and playing different positions:"Absolutely. That's one thing that I appreciate. Mike Brisiel, he could barely walk. I appreciate him. Tony Pashos has only been here about three weeks, four weeks, I appreciate him. Wis [Stefen Wisniewski], Khalif [Barnes] on the backside, I appreciate them. And then we have a rookie, [Lamar] Mady, I appreciate him. He's trying his hardest. Like I said, you're going to fall. There's a lot of times you're going to fall. You're going to see the best players in the world get beat. But at the end of the day, it's who gets back up and who's ready to fight. You can say this is the same thing the Raiders go through, they go 2-4. No. That's not what it's going to be. I refuse to let that happen. I'm on my feet, and we're going to be ready to go next week. Period. You make mistakes, get up. That's what it's about. Getting up and fighting back. That's what we have to do. We'll be prepared, guys are on-board. We'll get healthy next week; we've got a week off, so we'll get healthy. We'll fight back. We have a lot to learn from this game.

On the Arrowhead Stadium environment:"It's a tough environment, but we have to be mentally strong as a team. There's times I let it get away from me like with the delay of games. It's experience. I appreciate the fact that I got the chance to get experience. It's a learning process but at the same time, it's not. It's time to go. We'll be ready, like I said. A lot of people fall, but it's about who gets back up. And I'm back up. I'm going to make sure everybody on the team is up. I'm going to make sure the defense keeps on playing well. They've played a phenomenal game for the past four or five weeks. We have to do something on offense. If guys get injured, it's okay. Things happen. I realize that, and I understand that. We need to get some togetherness on our offensive line. We have to come together and start creating. We'll be back; 2-4, we can get to the playoffs."

On the crowd noise:"They're loud. We had two guys come in who don't get a lot of reps in practice and it's a tough situation. Then our second string center got hurt and we had our right guard come and play his butt off. I don't think he's ever played center in his life until this game. I have respect and appreciate the simple fact that guys are out there fighting. The turnovers, I apologize to my team. I take this loss on me, and I'll come back even harder and I'll be more ready to fight."* *

On learning to throw the ball away: "It's hard for me to do because I'm a play-maker. I love making plays. I just love making plays. I have to realize sometimes that it's time to quit. Tamba Hali played a great game. I look forward to playing him again further down the line. Definitely a great defense, they did a phenomenal job. Great job, guys. Great job."

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G Mike Brisiel

On the upcoming bye week:"There are a lot of guys that we need back out there and I think this should give us a chance to recoup a little bit from the injuries."

On last time he played center in NFL:"Probably in 2007 in NFL Europe. Maybe in preseason, but not an NFL game."

On number of reps at center:"I have to prepare like I could be in there, so the mistakes are on me. We can't use any of that as an excuse. When your name gets called, you have to go"

On the crowd noise:"They have some good fans. You have to give them credit though. Their defensive played well and we didn't make the plays when we had to, so they deserve the credit. We will see them again and hopefully they are still undefeated, so we can play them in our place." On Terrelle Pryor in the huddle:"He is doing a heck of a job. He is out there trying to make plays with his legs and his arms. It's one of those things where we have to be there as a foundation for him and right now as an o-line we are scrambling for bodies and we just didn't get it done. Like I said, give the Chiefs defense credit, they played well*. *

On keeping composure:"It's one of those things where you have to find a way to slow your heart down and come up with a play when you have to, and we couldn't do that today."

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RB Darren McFadden

On the Chiefs defense:"Those guys played a great game out there. I felt like our offense sputtered a little bit here and there, but those guys did a great job on defense. They came well-prepared to play." 

On the 10 sacks on Terrelle Pryor: "I didn't know that it was that many. That's a hard pill to swallow. You don't want to get the quarterback hit that many times. There are some things that we're going to have to clean up and keep pushing forward."

On if offensive issues were on the Raiders or because of Chiefs defense: "It was a little bit of both. Their defense came very well-prepared to play today. We had some mistakes on offense that we have to clean up."   

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WR Denarius Moore

On momentum in first half:"That's what we came in and talked about at halftime. When we came out in the second half, things just went against us. Then, we just lost our momentum."

On the penalties:"We shot ourselves in the foot with the penalties backing us up and not being able to convert on third down sometimes."

On Pryor throughout the game: "It didn't faze him at all. He kept coming back in the huddle and kept telling us to 'Come on, let's go. We're going to get this first down and put points on the board.'"

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T Khalif Barnes

On the game:"We couldn't shoot ourselves in the foot. We had a few pre-snap penalties. When we would pick up a first down or something like that, we had a few penalties that would knock us back and, on top of that, it would be in their territory. So, we never could really get into a good groove and we had a few guys going down (due to injury). But, we've had guys going down since OTAs. We're not going to use that as an excuse either. It's just that the Chiefs are a good team and they played a full 60 minutes. We set ourselves back in a few areas. We were a play away here and there. Like I said, we would have a decent run game going and then there would be something that would set us back. Instead of it being second and short, something would cause us to get nothing on the next two plays, then it would it would be third and long. We kept digging ourselves in a hole. Once you do that, especially against a good defense, it's never good. It's never easy."

On the team: "I think we're very close. You look at the games we've lost and there would always be a handful of plays that you can go back and look at and say 'Well doggone, if we would've done that.' They are things that are real coachable or real fixable. If we're going to get beat, we'd rather get beat up physically and say that they were better on that day. You never want to (get beat) mentally and do it to yourself. It's hard enough to win in this league as it is. If we do stuff that is going to set us back mentally, it's tough to overcome those, you know."

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DE Jason Hunter

On the game: "We had a chance to win the game. I thought we played hard; we just have to find a way to win. We can't make mistakes in a game like this."* *

On the crowd noise:"It was loud, but that doesn't really affect what we do between the lines. You try to tune that stuff out if it (does) affect you."

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CB DJ Hayden

On the pass interference call:"All I have to do is get my head around it and I'll be alright."

On the defense:"Overall we were going blow to blow with them and playing pretty good. The team who wins the turnover ratio is going to win the game. You win some and you lose some. You just have to come out next week practice harder, prepare harder and play harder."

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