2011 Toys for Tots
The Oakland Raiders teamed up with the United States Marine Corps for a Toys for Tots event.

WR Jacoby Ford, T Jared Veldheer, G Stefen Wisniewski and Raiderettes Ashley, Kathleen, Jennifer and Marcy pose for a photo with the Marines at the 2011 Toys for Tots event.

WR Jacoby Ford holds a young Raiders fan.

Raiderettes Kathleen and Ashley pose for a photo with fans.

A young Raiders fan waits her turn for autographs.

The young Raiders fans are all smiles as they wait to get the mini helmet signed.

T Jared Veldheer poses for a photo.

WR Jacoby Ford smiles for the photo with the young Raiders fan.

Raiderettes Marcy, Ashley, Jennifer and Kathleen pose for a photo with their fans.

G Stefen Wisniewski smiles for the camera.

The Marines collect donations with the help of the Raiderettes.

T Jared Veldheer autographs the helmet and then poses for a photo.

Raiderettes Jennifer and Marcy pose for a photo with a young fan.

G Stefen Wisniewski autographs the helmet for the fan at the 2011 Toys for Tots event.

Raiderettes Jennifer and Marcy pose for the photo.

WR Jacoby Ford signed autographs and posed for photos in exchange for toys for the kids.

Raiderettes Ashley and Kathleen pose for a photo with a fan.

WR Jacoby Ford signs autographs at the Toys for Tots event.

Raiderette Jennifer collects the toys.

Offensive linemen Jared Veldheer and Stefen Wisniewski sign autographs.

A group of young Raiders fans hold up their newly-signed Ford jersey with WR Jacoby Ford.

The United States Marine Corps brought the truck to pack the toys.

Raider Nation brought enough toys to fill the truck.

FB Marcel Reece poses for a photo with young Raiders fans.

Raiderettes Sarah and Chanel smile for the camera with Raiders fans who donated two bikes.

FB Marcel Reece shares a laugh with some fans.

QB Carson Palmer meets a fan after signing an autograph.

QB Carson Palmer, FB Marcel Reece, and WR Denarius Moore signed autographs in exchange for toys.

WR Denarius Moore poses for a photo.

WR Denarius Moore, FB Marcel Reece, Raiderette Meredith, and Raiderette Sarah pose for a photo with the Marines.

Raiderettes Chanel, Jessica, Meredith and Sarah pose for a photo with young Raiders fans.

Raiderettes Sarah and Chanel pose for a photo with a young fan.

FB Marcel Reece chats with the young Raiders fans.

Fans donated toys and received autographs in return.

WR Denarius Moore signs a young fan's cast.

FB Marcel Reece reaches for the helmet to sign.

FB Marcel Reece signs a football for the fans.

FB Marcel Reece signs a football for a young fan.

Raiderette Meredith signs a Raiderette calendar for a fan.

Raiderettes Chanel and Sarah smile for the camera with a Jr. Raiderette participant.

QB Carson Palmer signs a Raiders jersey.