2015 Road to the Draft
Photos from Greg Ditmer and Will Telfer's 2015 Road to the Draft.

Will and Greg get some airtime on the local news.

Derek Carr interviews Raiders legend Daryle Lamonica at the Carr Elite Camp in Clovis, Calif.

Two quarterbacks enjoying each other's company.

Fans at the Steering Committee of the Booster Clubs of the Oakland Raiders (SBCOR) Tailgate Party in Visalia, Calif.

A young Derek Carr fan poses in front of his photo at Fresno State.

The Raiders van in Las Vegas, Nev.

JT the Brick chats with formers Raiders running back, Napoleon McCallum.

Greg and Will pose with JT and his family.

The Raiders van at Zion National Park in Utah.

Greg and Utah Head Coach Kyle Whittingham.

Greg and Will at the University of Utah football facility.

The Raiders van reaches Wyoming.

Members of Raider Nation are everywhere on the road.

Next stop on the agenda: Colorado.

Hey, we know that name.

The Raiders van in front of Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium.

Alex McMahon and his family are happy to see their friend, Greg.

Members of the Colorado Soldiers Booster Club.

The booster club, spreading Raiders cheer wherever they go.

Even the hospital staff got into the positive feelings.

One last picture in front of the van.

They've made it to Nebraska!

The Raiders van in front of Memorial Stadium.

Almost to Chicago!

The Raiders van made it to Chicago!

Greg, Will and Raiders staffers take in a ballgame at Wrigley Field.

Play ball!

Raiderettes Cassie, Jen, Wendy and Abby arrive in Chicago.