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Raider Nation, Stand Up

Guy: "The Outfit Will be Complete"

On if he always wears his Hall of Fame jacket:

Guy:"No. I keep that thing locked up and clean. I keep it in storage. I don't take it out. It's very rare, but I do wear it proudly, believe me. I wear it proudly."

On what tonight means to him:

Guy:"Oh darling, you just don't know. It's hard to put it in words what it means to be back here in the Coliseum, to get this Hall of Fame ring, but the main thing is, one, all the fans, but the special thing about it is all my former teammates and former Hall of Famers that have had the opportunity to be around today and sit around and just reminisce and talk about different things, and just be with the Raiders players and the family in general. It's a great deal for me. That's just one memory thing that I'm programming in my mind that I'll have the rest of my life. I'm going to carry it with me forever."

On how often he comes back to Oakland:

Guy:"It's pretty much very rare. I was here last year when they played Philadelphia because I lit the [Al Davis] torch for them. I told a couple of them yesterday on the practice field, 'just do me one favor and win this game for me. I'm tired of coming back and y'all losing, so win the game.' I think they have a real good chance and I think today is going to be the day. They're going to break the ice, so hopefully we'll see what happens."

On if he had one defining play at the Coliseum:

Guy:"Not really, because all of them play a very important part in my life and part of the Raiders in general, whether it was a win or loss situation. I have hundreds of plays that stand out a lot, but the one in the Super Bowl, Super Bowl XVIII, that I had to leap real high to catch, which could have been a momentum change in the whole game. I can go back to 1980 when we played San Diego down there in the AFC Championship as a wildcard. It was kind of back and forth, but I had to make one punt and I hit it 73 yards and that kind of turned everything around. It gained field position for us and Dan Fouts wasn't too happy about the outcome of that one, but I kind of saw his face when he came off the field and we were going off. They ran a couple of plays and got some first downs, and all of a sudden we had a tip by one of the linebackers and we got the interception and we just ran the clock out. Things like that make a big difference in the game. It's hard to pinpoint which one was more important, but all of them are great to me."


On if he relished the opportunities to show off his athleticism:**

Guy:"I think my first year, my rookie year, I think playing Pittsburgh here, out of the end zone, that just happened. The ball kind of popped out of my hand a little bit so that took away from the position of the ball, so the natural instinct for me was to run it and luckily I was able to get the first down and out of the end zone. We had a lot plays that we could have ran it just depended on if the opportunity and the situation came up. We always had audibles. We always knew what position the return team was in and that determined if we were going to call that audible or not, because if you have one or two guys out of position so you knew something was coming, we wouldn't do it. I remember Seattle, we did one up there. We always knew that end guy was very quick off that end, so we were out in the middle of the field there and Tom [Flores] said 'if the opportunity is there, run it.' I took the snap and sure enough, he came off the end real quick. I took one and a half steps and they didn't commit and I just went around the right and got the first down. I would have loved to have done more, yeah, but that's just my natural athletic ability. I wanted to play, but I did a lot playing from the punting standpoint too, so everything works out for the better."

On which Raider he wants to see get into the Hall of Fame next:

Guy:"Well, you can go with [Jim] Plunkett. You can go with Cliff Branch. You can go with Tom Flores. There's a ton of them that can go in, it's just, when is that time? What do they look at? I know the criteria, but sometimes they don't really look at the whole criteria. We're going to push real hard from now on, because now I'm a part of the Hall of Fame and I have a little bit more voice in it and that way I can make my suggestions and my recommendations on who should and who shouldn't and all that stuff, so hopefully we'll get a lot more Raiders. We have a lot more deserving."

On if he remembers the last time he spoke with Al Davis:

Guy: "No I don't, to be honest with you. I'm not exactly sure when that was. It's been a while, I know that."

On if he spoke to Mr. Davis occasionally:

Guy:"Sometimes. Off and on. Sometimes I'd do that, but like I said, it's hard for me to get out here. I can get to Oakland, but the problem is the time schedule with flights getting back in, because I have a time schedule back home so I had to be back at a certain time so I didn't go out here a lot, but when I did, I looked for the opportunity and it's always good to get back to your home field and be with your buddies and stuff like that. It's a big reunion."

On how he felt when he got the call saying he had been inducted into the Hall of Fame:

Guy:"It took me a long time to believe that one, I'll tell you what. In fact, I had to ask Dave Baker three times. I said, 'Dave, are you sure?' Even though I had made it and got the call and they told me I was in the Class of '14, it still took me a few months to really soak in. Now it's there. I have the gold jacket now and I'll soon have the Hall of Fame ring so the outfit will be complete. So now I am a member of the Hall of Fame."

On if it's a big deal to him being the first punter inducted:

Guy:"It's a very big deal. Not only for me from a standpoint, but it's a big deal to punters in general, because one of the things that really set and made it a lot better up in Canton, was finding out there were 20 former punters that were going to be there. We had what's called a reunion because they were showing their support and all that, so we really bonded a lot more together. In fact, we've started a punter fraternity. In fact, we're up to 50 former NFL punters that want to get involved in different charitable events and fundraising events and to show our unity, so that way we hopefully down the road can make more impact on the induction of another Hall of Famer for a punter. That's what we're looking for."

On how he thinks the position has changed:

Guy:"Well, we always, through the years, we're always going to have changes. But for me, I still say it comes down to your ability. I found out through the years that I did, I just did what came naturally. I didn't change anything. The only thing I changed was the direction of my stepping, where I was going to put it. I'm a firm believer if you don't give them the opportunity to catch it and run it, they can't run it back on you and I just wanted to get it out of bounds or to get it somewhere down there close to the end zone and give my defense a lot more working room. It just worked out that way. Change is good, and I think it works out pretty good. Like I said, I wouldn't teach that, but that's just the way the modern times are."

On if he compared notes with former Chiefs punter Jerrel Wilson:

Guy:"No we wouldn't do that. Jerrel was more of just a power kicker. That's all he was. I used to say, 'Jerrel, why don't you go directional?' 'The heck with that. I'm just going to kick it as far as I can.' Everybody has their different strategies and way of doing things, but yeah, we had some very competitive games together. We would get together in the offseason back in Hattiesburg and go out and go fishing and go hunting and stuff like that. We were very close friends. Very close friends. There's another one that should be in the Hall of Fame."

On if Wilson was Hall of Fame caliber:

Guy:"Oh yeah. It just depends on when, where and how they're looking at you."

On the rivalry with the Chiefs:

Guy:"I always enjoyed that. You have to have rivalries. You have to have something to shoot for a goal to look for. The Chiefs and the Broncos, the Chargers and all that, to me, that was the toughest division in the NFL all the years that I played, because they were pretty much dominant back in those days. It's still there, believe me."

On if it's hard to see the Raiders fall on hard times:

Guy:"It's very hard to watch them fall on hard times, but that is the time. That is the time the changing. Football is entirely different. It's more technical type deal, strategy. It's not like from my standpoint from you just line up against one another and knock the hell out of it. It's more finesse. You're trying to out think them all and trying to fool them and stuff like that. Just line up and go play football, that's all it is."

On his postseason match-ups with the Steelers:

Guy:"It was great. You always look forward to going up against a team of that caliber. It made you play better. They may have won, we may have won. It would go back and forth, but still when you sit down with a lot of the Steelers like Joe Greene, and LC and all of them that are still around and you talk about the old times, we still haven't figured out who won yet."

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