47 días son los que faltan para que arranque la temporada 2023 de la NFL para los Raiders, por lo que cada día del campo de entrenamiento que arrancó hoy será clave para los jugadores y entrenadores de los Malosos.
Después de que anteriormente realizaron su campo de entrenamiento en ciudades de California como Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Oxnard y Napa, por cuarto año consecutivo el equipo sostendrá esta porción de la pretemporada en su cuartel general: El Intermountain Health Performance Center en Henderson, Nevada.
Entrando a la segunda campaña con Josh McDaniels como entrenador en jefe y Dave Ziegler como gerente general, la plantilla del conjunto negro y plata cuenta con solo 16 jugadores quienes llegaron al equipo previo a las contrataciones de McDaniels y Ziegler. Este es su plantel, estos son los elementos que ellos eligieron porque sienten que les dan la mayor posibilidad de tener éxito en el 2023. Ahora tienen mes y medio para prepararse de cara su primer juego oficial del nuevo año de la NFL.
"Estoy emocionado de ver a todos", dijo McDaniels el día que el equipo reportó en sus instalaciones. "Obviamente es un momento muy emocionante preparándonos para nuestro segundo año. Hay mucho trabajo que hacer entre ahora y la temporada, pero sé que todos están ansiosos por salir al campo".
Fechas claves:
Arranque del campo de entrenamiento: miércoles, 26 de Julio.
Primer dia con hombreras: martes, 1 de Agosto
Entrenamiento en conjunto con 49ers de San Francisco: jueves, 10 de Agosto
Primer partido de pretemporada: domingo, 13 de Agosto ante San Francisco
Entrenamiento en conjunto con Rams de Los Ángeles: miércoles, 16 de Agosto
Roster disminuye a 53 jugadores: martes, 29 de Agosto
Jimmy Garoppolo
El mariscal de campo titular de los Raiders estuvo sobre el emparrillado en el primer día del campo de entrenamiento 2023, y con ello se escuchó un gran suspiro de la Raider Nation.
'Jimmy G' es el mariscal de campo titular, es el hombre que más conocimiento tiene del sistema ofensivo de Josh McDaniels y el que más experiencia de juego tiene en la NFL entre los jugadores de esta posición actualmente con los Malosos.
"Siempre (hay nervios y emoción). Me gusta sentir eso, porque eso indica que significa algo para ti lo que estás haciendo", declaró
Garoppolo tras su primera práctica con Las Vegas. "Fue muy padre estar con mis compañeros intentando entrar al ritmo. Muchas cosas nuevas para mi, pero lo disfruté."
Marcus Peters
Los Raiders anunciaron la contratación del esquinero Marcus Peters un día previo a que el equipo reportara para el campo de entrenamiento y de inmediato se convirtió en el jugador con más intercepciones (32) en la plantilla de los Raiders.
El robar el balón a los rivales es un punto donde Las Vegas espera que Peters pueda aportar de manera importante. Del 2015 a la fecha, Marcus ha jugado en 7 temporadas, sumando más intercepciones que el líder de los Raiders en cinco de esas campañas.
"Es un alfa, amo a Marcus", dijo Maxx Crosby sobre su nuevo compañero de equipo. "Lo he conocido desde mi temporada de novato porque tenemos al mismo agente. Trae consigo esa actitud que necesitamos en la defensa secundaria y no puedo esperar para verlo seguir compitiendo".
Las posiciones de habilidad a la ofensiva de los Raiders tendrán un nivel de competencia alto durante el campo de entrenamiento.
En estos momentos los Malosos cuentan con 11 receptores abiertos, seis alas cerradas y siete corredores (sin contar a Josh Jacobs, quien no ha firmado la etiqueta de jugador franquicia).
Mientras receptores abiertos como Davante Adams, Jakobi Meyers y Hunter Renfrow han demostrado su calidad durante partidos de temporada regular, elementos como Cam Sims, Phillip Dorsett, DeAndre Carter y Keelan Cole tienen habilidades que necesitan mostrar durante la pretemporada para llenarle el ojo al staff de coacheo de los Raiders. Lo mismo se puede decir del grupo de corredores y alas cerradas, donde múltiples jugadores tendrán la oportunidad de enseñar lo que son capaces de hacer en el emparrillado.
"Obviamente trajimos a jugadores que se saben mover y tienen creatividad," aseveró Davante Adams. "Me gusta el juego de Jakobi, D.C. (Deandre Carter) nos ayudará también. No se como van a producir, pero me gusta la gente y es divertido trabajar con ellos".
Lista de Lesionados
Dos novatos elegidos en el draft por Las Vegas arrancarán el campo de entrenamiento sin poder participar en las actividades sobre el césped: Tyree Wilson y Byron Young.
Wilson fue colocado en la lista NFI (Lesión no relacionada al fútbol americano), mientras que Young fue puesto en la lista PUP (Físicamente incapaz de desempeñar).
Tras no estar en el entrenamiento del martes, Neil Farrell Jr. también fue agregado a la lista NFI.
Jugador Internacional
Los Raiders fueron uno de ocho equipos en recibir un jugador en el "Programa de camino del jugador internacional" con la suma del ala defensiva David Agoha, originario de Nigeria quien en Mayo cumplió 22 años de edad.
Agoha no cuenta hacia el límite de jugadores de los Raiders durante el campo de entrenamiento y posteriormente será elegible para permanecer con el equipo de prácticas de Las Vegas con un puesto adicional exclusivo como jugador del programa internacional de la liga.
Anteriormente jugó baloncesto y béisbol, además de haber practicado boxeo, deporte en el que iba a debutar profesionalmente, pero su pelea fue cancelada por la pandemia del COVID-19.
View the best photos from the first day of Raiders 2023 Training Camp practice at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Austin Hooper (82) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tackle Thayer Munford Jr. (77) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Cam Sims (81) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Tre Tucker (89) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Cam Sims (81) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver DJ Turner (19) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Bilal Nichols (91) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Phillip Dorsett (11) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Isaiah Pola-Mao (20) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Phillip Dorsett (11) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Jesper Horsted (80) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Aidan O'Connell (4) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Cole Fotheringham (85) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders Head Coach Josh McDaniels and wide receiver Phillip Dorsett (11) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tackle Dalton Wagner (78) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Keelan Cole Sr. (84) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Nesta Jade Silvera (97) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders long snapper Jacob Bobenmoyer (50) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Michael Mayer (87) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders offensive coordinator Mick Lombardi on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive lineman Jordan Willis (99) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Isaac Rochell (96) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Brandon Bolden (34) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones (55) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive lineman Jerry Tillery (90) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Darien Butler (58) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tackle Brandon Parker (75) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones (55) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Luke Masterson (59) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Kyle Peko (76) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Kristian Wilkerson (83) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Chris Smith II (42) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Cam Sims (81) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Jakobi Meyers (16) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Phillip Dorsett (11) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle John Jenkins (95) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Adam Plant (52) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Brandon Bolden (34) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle Matthew Butler (94) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle John Jenkins (95) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Drake Thomas (57) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Adam Plant (52) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Adam Plant (52) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive tackle John Jenkins (95) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Azizi Hearn (48) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Chris Smith II (42) and safety Marcus Epps (1) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Sincere McCormick (47) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders guard Dylan Parham (66) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo (10) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Brian Hoyer (7) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones (55) and defensive end Malcolm Koonce (51) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Ameer Abdullah (22) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Hunter Renfrow (13) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver DeAndre Carter (3) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Ameer Abdullah (22) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) and linebacker Robert Spillane (41) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby (98) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders center Andre James (68) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders punter AJ Cole (6) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders Head Coach Josh McDaniels on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders long snapper Jacob Bobenmoyer (50) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders long snapper Jacob Bobenmoyer (50) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Jakorian Bennett (29) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders linebacker Robert Spillane (41) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Phillip Dorsett (11) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Keelan Cole Sr.(84) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end John Samuel Shenker (86) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Michael Mayer (87) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Davante Adams (17) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders safety Chris Smith II (42) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders running back Austin Walter (32) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tight end Cole Fotheringham (85) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Aidan O'Connell (4) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders cornerback Marcus Peters (24) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Cam Sims (81) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Aidan O'Connell (4) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Aidan O'Connell (4) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders Head Coach Josh McDaniels on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.

Las Vegas Raiders tackle Justin Herron (71) on the field for practice at 2023 Training Camp at Intermountain Health Performance Center.